About Us | JessicaSprague.com

I'm Jessica Sprague.

(It rhymes with  plague.  Nice.)    I     my computer,   And making pretty things.

Capturing memories is part of who we are.

It's part of who I am, and that's how I recognize you. Yep. Right there with that camera and the irresistible urge to savor and save your life's events? I see you.

Welcome. This is a place where you'll be understood. A place where you can learn to mix technology with your memory keeping and your life. The skills I'll teach you here will give you knowledge and skills to last a lifetime. And you know what? Those skills go WAY beyond scrapbook pages. Stick around awhile, and you'll see. In fact, register for a class right now, and then you'll see.

My Bio

Because that's what belongs on the "About Me" page.

My Crafting History

I started scrapbooking on accident in 2004. Looking for a photo album to hold the sudden flood of photographs of my baby daughter, I wandered in to an Archiver's near my home in Minnesota. Let me just say, that I've always had a love for paper and school supplies. This giant gorgeous craft store opened before me, and so did the heavens. Pretty sure angels sang. I've been die-hard ever since.

My Publishing History

I joined Creating Keepsakes as a contributing editor in 2006, and wrote monthly articles on "hybrid" scrapbooking - basically mixing in technology/printed details with your paper scrapbooking or other projects. I also wrote a few books on it. And it will always be my favorite way to keep memories (see 'love for paper and school supplies' above).

JS.com History

I started JessicaSprague.com in 2007, in response to what I saw as a growing need for online technology education specifically for crafters. And I was right. The very first class I offered (called Up & Running with Photoshop) had so much demand that the students crashed our server during registration. It was awesome. Many of those first students are my close friends to this day.

What I think

I believe in the power of creating things. I think being called a nerd is a compliment. I believe that memories are worth way more than things. I'm humbled that I've had the chance to travel, to teach, to meet so many marvelous people, and to be counted among them. I believe that God has placed each of us here on Earth for a purpose, and I'm intent on doing what I can to find and fulfill mine - and if I can, to be of some help as you fulfil yours.

Please feel free to get in touch - follow the social links down below!

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  • Founded in June 2007, JessicaSprague.com is the home of the world's best online classes and products for digital crafters. Learn more about Jessica.